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Going on a Job Interview: Key Questions to Ask

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While some people might consider a job interview as simply an opportunity for a potential employer to ask questions to help determine whether an applicant may be a good fit, it is also a time for the applicant to ask any questions he or she may have. Job interviews are the one time when you, as a job seeker, should feel free to inquire about the job and/or the employer.

Remember, you are the one going on the interview. You will want to make sure the opportunity is right for you. Is the position for which you are interviewing, and company itself, going to help you advance your career objectives? Is continuing education offered? Is there room for advancement? How does the position fit in with the rest of the company and how could you help the company achieve its goals? These and many other questions can and should be asked when on a job interview.

Don’t just sit there answering questions. You obviously thought it was worth your time to interview for the position. Now, while you have someone from the company right in front of you, is the time to ask any questions you need to make a final determination.

Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Ask Questions

Asking questions shows you care about the company and are genuinely interested in the position.  It also shows you are motivated and you came prepared. Employers don’t mind when applicants have questions during an interview. In fact, most encourage it. Companies want people who take initiative and express interest in the position for which they are applying, as well as in the company itself.

Asking questions can also help you make sure you meet the qualifications and expectations for the position. You wouldn’t want to start a new job only to find out it wasn’t exactly what you thought it was going to be. That would be a waste of your time and the employer’s.

You don’t want to walk away from an interview only to find out the interviewer had reservations about you. Take the time, while you are in the interview, to ask questions. Gain some insight into whether the position and company are right for you.

A Forbes article gives jobseekers a good piece of advice when it states your objective should be to:

  • Determine whether the position and employer are right for you,
  • Demonstrate your interest, and
  • Make sure the interviewer has no reservations about you.

Types of Questions You May Want to Ask During an Interview

Not all job applicants are going to have the same questions during an interview. You may have certain questions you want to ask one potential employer that may not apply to another. In general, it helps to have at least a few ideas on the types of questions you may want to ask during an interview.

    • What exactly does the job entail? You may know the job title, but you want to find out what your specific duties will be and how that fits in with the rest of the company.
    • Are there any particular requirements or qualifications you need to meet in order to do the job?
    • Will you have to go through a training period or will you be diving right in?
    • What do they expect from you? How will your performance be evaluated?
    • Does the company have room for advancement?
    • Who will you be working with? For example, if you are applying for a Physical Therapist position, are you going to be working with a PTA? Will you be working with a group of therapists or on your own?
    • Does the company have a dress code? What is standard attire?

It is these types of questions that can help give you the insight you need to decide if the job is right for you. If you need help coming up with more questions, has put together a list of 51 interview questions you should be asking and Business Insider has come up with 32 brilliant questions to ask at the end of every interview.

How to Determine Which Questions Are Most Essential

Keep in mind, you’ll want to ask between 3-5 questions on average. You can ask a few more if you really feel the need, but don’t go overboard. If you haven’t gotten the information you need by this point, it is likely either the position is not going to be a good fit for you or you don’t meet the necessary qualifications. Don’t drag things out. Let the interview wrap up and thank the person for their time.

Know Before You Go

Before you leave your job interview, make sure you know what comes next. If you and the interviewer both feel you’ll make a good fit and want to move forward, you’ll need to find out where you go from there. Will you have to interview with another person? Should you wait for a phone call? When can you expect to hear back?

This way, when you leave your interview, you have no uncertainties. You can either move on to your next interview or get ready to start a brand new career.

The People Link has spent the last 20 years helping match job seekers with companies in search of qualified personnel, to the benefit of all parties. Our special niche lies in the Dental and Allied Healthcare fields.

To learn more about the services we offer, visit The People Link or call Mya directly at 818-890-9998 to obtain a free, no-obligation consultation.

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